02.09. Life in a Free World.

At this time the heart beats more intensely, Blood boils when the re-evolution takes veins inside.
Let us be calm in the midst of the storm, the rebellious joy of fighting with kindness and embellish the struggle in our encounter.
Read More29.08.Welcome to Vital Party.

Dance is an offering and it is freedom, it is prayer and praise, it is a search and a reunion.
We are a circle, we are a spiral, we are reflection and not mirage; That they make us free the great mystery and the truth that we carry inside.
Read More22.08. This is a Beat Family.

Come dreamers! The threshold is now open! The fire will guard our ritual to flow smoothly.
Attend to the so-called crystal spirit! Let us celebrate in balance and fraternity, that the purest intentions rise in the wind.
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